LOS ANGELES – The musicians in the band Them Guns may each have a different focus, but when they play together, their sound hits the target.
Them Guns performed to a packed crowd at The Viper Room Friday. They supported headliner Attaloss at the Sunset Strip venue. Italian band What-A-Funk opened and The Passenger closed.
The synth-rock band from Los Angeles is a tight group of friends who each have a unique musical background. And soon they’ll be so big you’re not going to be able to get in to see them.

Them Guns is Chuck Holiday on bass, Chris Hudson on drums, Nava Rone on lead vocals, and Kyle Hamood on keyboard. Their musical paths have all been different, but their talent and work ethic has brought them together.
With a good-looking frontman who can really sing, a wild-style bassist who gets down, a keyboardist who plays better than many veterans in the business, and a drummer who brings passion to his craft every time, Them Guns rock the house.
The gang of four native Californians have played all types of venues across California and outside of their home state as well.
A few accomplishments of Them Guns:
– Recently they played the at the premiere party for the film “Shut Up and Drive,” which screened at Tribeca Film Festival in New York City. Their music was used in the movie.
— They’ve played several music festivals and independent gigs
— They have a couple of cool videos
— There’s a full-length CD called From The Shadows, that blows doors.

“We love what we do so we’re happy with the way things are coming along,” said bassist Chuck. “We love to play and we love our fans.”
And there are loyal fans who follow the guys, which as anyone will tell you, is the most important thing for a young band.
It was a roundabout bit of good fortune that brought the group together.
Drummer Chris, and frontman, Nav, met in high school. They went their separate ways. Kyle and Nav met in northern California at a club and were working on music there together. Chris and Chuck were playing together in LA. Chris filled in on occasion as the drummer of choice for Kyle and Nav, and when the time was right, Them Guns was formed.
Them Guns is a little different than other bands in several respects. For one thing, they have a unique sound that’s almost a throwback synth rock-dance rock style. They pay homage to good ol’ fashioned rock n roll.
“We didn’t want our albums to sound over-produced so that when you come to the show it sounds different than on the album,” said Kyle. “And we discussed that with our producer, Bill Gaal, and he agreed.”
Gaal has produced a range of artists and worked with the guys to create a super album, From The Shadows, a must for any lover of Rock ‘N’ Roll.

“The music comes first,” said Nav, who added that the band enjoys the process of writing and recording music. “We’ll find a riff or something we like and build on it.”
“But we don’t jam,” said Kyle. “We come to the table with an idea or something that we’ve already been working on.”
And while the recording may be part of the drill it’s the interaction with the audience that turns the guys on.
“We definitely have fun when we tour,” said Nav. “The fans are really great and we thank them for coming out.”
What’s appealing, fans say, is the comeraderie and the resulting music. The four musicians are quite different but they complement one another.
“If you were to sum it up, Chuck is like a spikey punk guy with his bass, Chris is this rad, tatted blonde guy who kills it on drums, Nav is the sexy frontman with an amazing voice and Kyle is the smart keyboardist,” said one female concert-goer. “They’re different from each other but they are all buds and they have respect for each other.”

The guys are working on a new EP with a few songs tracked already. But the album From The Shadows is something that should be purchased, and it’s highly encouraged that lovers of music see their show because that’s where the heart of Them Guns’ music lives.
“Like any band, we’ve been through a lot of ups and downs,” said drummer Chris. “We’re good for each other. We just keep getting better and better so we’re excited about our future. It’s all about the music and the fans. And more than anything, we really love what we do.”
For more information check out the Viper Room website and Them Guns’ Facebook page.