George Thorogood of George Thorogood and The Destroyers will make a special appearance at Sam Ash in Hollywood to chat and demo his new Epiphone signature guitar on Friday, June 28.
Thorogood has sold more than 15 million albums, has built a classic catalog of hits, and has played more than 8,000 live shows. He will be on hand to chat and demo his new Epiphone limited edition George Thorogood “White Fang” ES-125TDC Outfit.
Sam Ash is located at 7360 Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood and the event begins at 6:30 p.m.
The “Good To Be Bad” event will be limited capacity, first come, first-served in line. The first 30 attendees in line will get a special meet and greet and signing with Thorogood. No line-ups will be permitted at Sam Ash before 2 pm.