Review: Patrick Ames Honors a Range of ‘Essential Workers’ with Latest Single

Hospitalman Angela Mello, a general duty corpsman assigned to Naval Medical Center San Diego (NMCSD) (left), and Ens. Kaitlyn Leibing, a staff nurse assigned to one of NMCSD’s internal medicine wards (right), don 3D-printed face shields, donated to the hospital by Southwest Regional Maintenance Center
Essential Workers - Photo by U.S. Navy Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Jake Greenberg


Patrick Ames shows his latest passion in a new song he just released called “Essential Workers,” in tribute the most selfless among us.

Ames is the first to admit he always placed wine and song atop his list of passions but these days, he’s energized by his duty to honor the people in the pandemic. And he has a new take on who is essential.

“The whole concept of what is essential is under review here, and I wanted a song that mashed up the elements, the verses, the vocals, with lyrics like streaks of tear gas,” Ames said. “It spurts, it starts, it mashes acoustic with rave, it’s wild and filled with today’s Pandemic life and scenes we immediately recognize. It’s also a modern recruitment sign-up song.

“There’s a narrative, a progression from Essential Workers becoming the Nightly Protesters who give rise to the essential angels who tell us what has just happened: We can’t be the same society anymore,” Ames said. “We may be essential but that doesn’t mean our lives are free. Essential Workers, the song, says treat people as equal, not just essential in times of need.”

Essential Workers by Patrick Ames on Bandcamp – Courtesy

Check out Patrick Ames on Bandcamp.

The song has great hooks and pays honor to some of our most beloved musicians like The Kinks and David Bowie. With a great beat and terrific harmonies it’s almost as if the “Essential Workers” are right in the room with the listener.

And maybe with the pandemic and politics causing frustration on both sides of the aisle, Ames has accomplished more to bring people together than all the leaders and the media put together.

Jon Ireson: Producer, bass, percussion, organ, lead guitar; Mikaela Matthews on vocals; Chana Matthews on vocals; Patrick Ames on rhythm guitars and vocals.

Follow Patrick Ames via his Website and on Facebook.