Brian May who has been posting the best daily social media broadcasts of the lockdown, will ‘go dark,’ after what he calls an ‘over-enthusiastic’ gardening incident that left him with a broken butt.
“Reality check ! For me,” posted the Queen guitarist (and astrophysicist). “No – the Virus didn’t get me yet – thank God. Hope you’re all keeping extra-safe out there. A decision to relax controls doesn’t suddenly make the danger go away.
“But me ?? Yes, I’ve been quiet,” he said. “Reason ? As well as getting over-stretched and harassed by too many demands … I managed to rip my Gluteus Maximus to shreds in a moment of over-enthusiastic gardening. So suddenly I find myself in a hospital getting scanned to find out exactly how much I’ve actually damaged myself.”
May posted a picture of himself in a face mask, trademark white hair aloft.
“Turns out I did a thorough job – this is a couple of days ago – and I won’t be able to walk for a while … or sleep, without a lot of assistance, because the pain is relentless,” he wrote. “So, folks … I need to go dark for a while, getting some complete rest, at home. Please, please don’t send me sympathy – I just need some healing silence for a while. I’ll be back – but I need the complete break. OK ? Thanks. Take care out there. Bri.”
May’s Instagram posts have buoyed the spirits of hundreds of thousands of rock fans who have been tuning in to watch the master at work.
So while he may be one of the best guitarists in the world, he’s best letting the gardening take a back seat.
Take a look at one of the most inspiring musicians helping fans through the lockdown and enjoy May’s great work here on his social media platform.