Keith Richards Says The Rolling Stones Success Formula is ‘Magical’


In the latest installment of ‘”Ask Keith,” his YouTube interview show, Keith Richards addresses the burning question: What is the “formula” that keeps the band together?

“I’m always asked for the formula,” Richards said. “Somehow I think The Rolling Stones know the secret but not one single member, so that no one can give the formula away.”


“I don’t know it’s just a magical thing that happens between the guys,” he said. “A lot of it’s just experience, knowing each other so well.

“Basically it’s the same band as we wanted when we kicked off,” he said. “Also there’s always that thing about improving, the ultimate Stones would never exist but we’re still working towards them.”



Richards’ Stabbing Feelings About Trump

In other news, Richards made headlines today telling the BBC that during the Steel Wheels tour in 1989, the Atlantic City promotions were not respectful to the band. When the band arrived to one gig there, it found the event billed as “Donald Trump presents the Rolling Stones” — with the Stones’ moniker in smaller letters than Trump’s own name.

“I got out my trusty blade, stuck it in the table and said: ‘You have to get rid of this man!’ ” Richards told the BBC. “Now America has to get rid of him. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!”