Rock music started in the 1950s and has been through many stylistic changes that has kept the genre alive to this day. But are the glory days fading away?
Many have rediscovered a love of Rock music while spending greater time at home these days. Rock has taken a beating over the last few years as some say Rock music isn’t as popular as other genres like pop, EDM, alternative R and B, and newer genres like indie pop and electronic. Others say the public lacks good taste in music. Regardless of the reasons, Classic Rock music still has a loyal fan base with hard core followers.
Here are 5 reasons why we think that Rock music will never die:
It’s a Timeless Genre
Ask any Rock fan who their favorite bands are, and they will mention at least one band from the 1970s. That rarely happens with other genres, but Classic Rock will always have a wide fanbase. There are the bands that all Rock fans adore, like Black Sabbath, Queen, and Guns ‘N’ Roses. There are numerous Rock songs we all love and listen to today, some of them are from the 1960s and others are from the 2000s. A lot of people discover Rock music through their parents or grandparents and so it passes through generations, proving it can appeal to anyone. Young people today even make covers and renditions of Rock classics that touched their hearts.
It’s Inspiring
Most contemporary artists have been inspired by bands like The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, and Queen, this includes pop artists like Lady Gaga and Katy Perry. Gaga even chose her stage name after the Queen song, “Radio Gaga.”
Rock music has that magical effect that has motivated a lot of artists to take up an instrument. If rock music ever made you want to learn a musical instrument, check out Merely Music. The online destination gives tips and reviews that will helps people use their at-home time to learn how to play the guitar like Jimi Hendrix or Slash. Watching the greatest rock stars can help musicians to follow in their footsteps.
It Speaks to Everyone
Rock music is known to be heartfelt and deep. You’ve probably cried your heart out to a Rock ballad before. Human emotions and feelings, like sadness, anger, frustration, confusion, and being in or out of love are the subjects of many famous Rock songs. What’s important is that these songs are always heartfelt and honest. The use of heavy instruments and chesty vocals works magic in conveying emotion. We all like emotional music, but even if it’s not your thing, you will still find topics that speak to you in the rock genre.

It’s Full of Talent
Fan or not, everyone has to admit that rock music is one of those genres that harbor the most talent in the music industry. What sets it apart from other genres is that most live shows are performed by great performers and musicians with very minimal playback, and mostly no computers involved. You have to be really skilled at what you do to earn the title of “Rock Star.” Nothing is quite like the experience of a live show where you can feel the rhythm of the guitars, drums, and keyboards practically vibrating through your body. And, Rock musicians write and compose their own songs, take for example The Beatles who are renowned for their brilliant songwriting; they wouldn’t have made it if it weren’t for their originality.
It’s Versatile
Rock music has been around for more than 70 years. It has taken many shapes and forms and has kept evolving from one style to another. Nowadays, it has a lot of subgenres like hard rock, punk rock, blues rock, garage rock, grunge and post-grunge, folk-rock, psychedelic rock, and many others. There’s also metal, which is more intense but still originates from rock music. If you like heavy instruments, there’s a lot for you to discover and you’ll likely find yourself enjoying at least one or more of the sub-genres.
Rock music is hard to predict and even harder to define, and that’s where its beauty lies. Its popularity may come and go, but one thing is for sure: There’s enough legendary Rock music to last forever.
And while the discussion continues on as to whether modern Rock can compare to Classic Rock, or any of its other newer forms, it still has a wide audience. Will modern Rock stand the test of time? Nothing is for sure, except that Rock music can open the door for young people to discover the classics that will live with them forever.