Glam Skanks Headline a Wild July 4 Weekend
The Glam Skanks, the all-girl rockers who have glitterized their way all the way up the rock and roll ladder, made a raucous return home with a wild show at The Redwood on Fourth of July Weekend.

Successful World Tour
Veronica V, Allie Cat and the gang have come back from a worldwide tour with Adam Ant to play their local haunts at Maui Sugar Mill and The Redwood, headlining with Adam Ant’s right hand man, Will Crewdson. On Saturday, they were joined by the fabulous Schizophonics.

The Schizophonics
The Schizophonics are not to be missed. This is a band that could wake the dead and those who are nearly dead will get a kick out of them too. The trio of wild frontman Pat Beers, drummer Lety Beers and bassist Brian Reilly take punk to the next level. Pat Beers thrashes around, jumps off the riser, falls to the ground and he will indeed get your attention. This San Diego band is one of the best performing bands around, and these guys are a good excuse to get to America’s Finest City more often.

Will Crewdson and The Skanks
Apparently all is forgiven by at least some of the British on Fourth of July. A fast friendship was made between the UK’s Will Crewdson and the LA-based Glam Skanks as they toured around together with Adam Ant. Will has a unique act with Scant Regard, as he’s got a power guitar and big music, making it sound as if he has a gigantic band behind him. But, truly, what is stronger than the Power of One?

A One-Man Shredding Machine
Crewdson’s a one-man shredding band and it’s fun to see a big-stage musician roll around in our own backyard. Keep an eye out for Will’s latest projects via his website Scant Regard.

Maui Sugar Mill and Redwood Bars
Why is it the bands return to the two legendary locales, The Maui Sugar Mill and The Redwood no matter how far and how famous they become?
In the case of The Redwood, it’s a cool place to get a 5-star dinner and then catch a great performance on a tiny stage in the middle of downtown LA. Maui Sugar Mill in Van Nuys offers everything from great drinks and the blues to punk in a cool, casual atmosphere.

Tighter and Tougher
As for The Glam Skanks, their energy is amazing and the crowd almost overpowered the bar the other night. It’s amazing what going on the road with a top act like Adam Ant can do for a young band. The girls have come back sophisticated, sharp and the music is as good as ever.

The Sloths
The Glam Skanks’ triumphant return to LA — following a successful tour of the U.S. and Europe with Adam Ant — was a fun affair as the gals took their glitter and antics to a new level. The band is tight!
We were lucky to also see The Sloths the night before at The Redwood. Frontman Tommy is a lively performer who won’t quit no matter that the band has been together for 40 years or so. And no mention that he’s one of the most popular film professors in the country and prolific film director across a range of genres.

Of Note
NOTES: On Saturday, to show support for his friends in The Schizophonics, The Mighty Manfred of The Woggles was on hand in the audience. He gave us the scoop that the band has a new album coming out and will be doing some touring soon, stay tuned… Coming up at The Redwood: The Cry on Saturday, Fools on Stools on Sunday and Rex and The Heirs on Monday.