VIDEO INTERVIEW: Chip Kinman of Rank and File, Ford Madox Ford Talks New Album

Ford Madox Ford

‘This American Blues’ to Drop Soon


Ford Madox Ford will release a new album called This American Blues, frontman and founder Chip Kinman told in an exclusive interview. CHECK IT OUT:

Ford Madox Ford: New Album

Kinman, founder of renowned punk bands Rank and File and The Dils, said his new group takes punk and blues to another level.

“We just finished mixing our debut L.P.,” Kinman told “We’re going to master it at Capitol in two weeks.”

Ford Madox Ford will pick up the live shows again soon – Photo © Donna Balancia

Changing Music Scene

Kinman said the band will pick up on the live shows in a few weeks. In the meantime, check out our video interview with Kinman live from The Echo in downtown LA.

Music Has Changed … But It Hasn’t

Kinman said things in the music business have changed since his days with The Dils, but some things remain the same.

“After all, we are talking about pop music,” Kinman said. “Disposable and permanent. Blues certainly has not changed. Until now.”

Check out more Ford Madox Ford on the Youtube page.