Monty’s Bar and Rainbow Among Bowie Party Places
– By DONNA BALANCIA – They reminisced about everything from prank phone calls to whisky days, as across LA friends and fans of David Bowie and Lemmy celebrated the two legendary musicians.
At the Rainbow fans signed a giant banner, placed flowers and partied for Lemmy and at Monty’s downtown there was a celebrity DJ party.

At Monty’s Bar, people dressed up in their Bowie best and listened to stories from the likes of Lol Tolhurst of the Cure; Clem Burke of Blondie; Jerry Cazale of Devo; Nik Turner of Hawkwind; Douglas McCarthy of Nitzer Ebb and others.
Lol, who is a founder of The Cure, said he once received a call from Bowie, but didn’t believe it was really him and hung up on him.
Kevin Haskins, drummer of Bauhaus, said he was so nervous when he met Bowie the cigarette he was holding was shaking to the point where he couldn’t get it lit.

California Rocker put together a selection of photos from around LA. Photos courtesy of Mike Jakubow, Joe Bagnato, Jayson Larson and Manny Dominguez.
“I know that Lemmy loved Los Angeles, but I’m not sure Bowie liked LA at all,” said one party goer. “In fact I think Bowie said he wasn’t a big fan.”
Well, regardless of how Bowie felt about LA, LA showed its love for the legends.
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