Americana West Music Fest Day 2: Where Lyrics Took Center Stage at Hotel Cafe

Deb Morrison - All photos by Notes From Vivace
Deb Morrison - All photos by Notes From Vivace

Photos and review by NOTES FROM VIVACE

LOS ANGELES – Americana West Music Festival, where the boots were kicking, closed out their two day event at Hotel Cafe with a packed house. Like day one, 17 acts graced the two stages of the venue with fans buzzing from stage to stage to catch specific favorites.

Ben Reddell – All photos by Notes From Vivace

It was a night where lyrics took center stage. The festival was also a time to promote the broader Los Angeles Americana-country music community. Opening up on the Main Stage was Ben Reddell who is the curator for the Grand Ole Echo, which is scheduled on Sunday afternoons for around 6 months each year at The Echo. Some hard core music fans no doubt made it a three day event by going to both Americana West Fest and then heading to the Grand Ole Echo for the capper.

Emily Rose & The Rounders – All photos by Notes From Vivace

Emily Rose & The Rounders was the draw of the night with the Main Stage packed for the set. The band had the crowd in the palm of their hands as every song was met with cheers. The song “Wildfire” shows a relationship breakup without bitterness, “Someday someone will come around who can chase me down and keep me on my feet. Till then I live on my own time no need no one to come and rescue me. And I’m glad you found another.”

Miranda Lee Richards – All photos by Notes From Vivace

On the second stage, Miranda Lee Richards drew a body squeezing crowd, where a slight pause for emphasis drew loud applause, “I tried to run away before I lost my mind.” It was mentioned that those lyrics didn’t mean that the crowd should run away from the set.

Grey DeLisle – All photos by Notes From Vivace

Grey DeLisle had an amusing set with songs about sisters fighting as youngsters and the fact that the most attractive quality of a man is the man that doesn’t want her back. The host for the stage did a brief interview with DeLisle after the set and it was revealed that she does voice acting for various cartoons such as Scooby-Doo, Tom & Jerry, and Curious George.

Deb Morrison - All photos by Notes From Vivace
Deb Morrison – All photos by Notes From Vivace

Deb Morrison has the perfect raspy vocals that drew the crowds to the Second Stage. The set ended with the band singing happy birthday to the girlfriend of one of the band members. Cupcakes were handed out. Rah Rah Rabbit sang, “I got so many troubles, I don’t think I can drink them away.”

The Morning Yells – All photos by Notes From Vivace

The siblings of The Morning Yells played a recently released song, “Hummingbird.” “Oh sweet Hummingbird where are you now . . . once I held you safe in my arms . . . searched every pawn shop . . . Oh sweet Hummingbird, wherever you go, just know . . . . your songs will stay with me forever and never grow old.” Zoe Sky Jordan sang, “I always live up to the hype,” and then admitted that the lyrics were meant as a joke.

Breezers – All photos by Notes From Vivace

Breezers brought 6 band members to play their bluegrass set on the Second Stage. For those who might not know, the Second Stage is a small space and so one member had to play off to the side. Heather Anne Lomax praised Tidal for pushing her song “Hearts Don’t Lie” into the Top 10 on the Folk list. Tristan Lake Leabu had those Elvis dances moves down.

Cristina Vane – All photos by Notes From Vivace

Cristina Vane showed off her cowboy hat with lightning bolts on the side as she sang her blues-gospel influenced tunes. Jonathan Tyler gave a rousing Texas performance. He mentioned that he lived in Los Angeles briefly in 2014-2015 and had played with the members of the Americana Music Fest house band. The Far West closed out the Main Stage with a set that had one imagining riding on a horseback as the evening sun set.

All photos by Notes From Vivace

Wolf Trap - All photos by Notes From Vivace

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Main Stage sets

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