Gavin Rossdale said Bush will release a new 16-song album tentatively called The Mind Plays Tricks on You in early 2019.
“So the new. album, I think I’ve nearly finished writing it, 16 songs … and 2019 will be a massive year,” Rossdale told his fans via a live Instagram broadcast on Christmas Eve day.
The Bush frontman delivered his updates via phone with fans while out strolling around a park near his Los Angeles home. He was accompanied by his rescue Pomeranian named Chuey.
Gavin Rossdale Talks to Fans
Bush to Tour South America
The dapper Rossdale answered fan questions during the live session while keeping his rescue dog close. At one point the little Pomeranian “goes rogue” and Rossdale whistles for him. In the live feed, he refers to Chuey as a “hamster.”
Bush will be touring Brazil and South America in February, something Rossdale said he was looking forward to.
“Can you believe we’re finally coming to Brazil?” Rossdale asked fans. He asked people to send suggestions on good things to do while there.
Most recent albums for Bush are Man on The Run (2014) and Black and White Rainbows (2017).
Rossdale, 52, said he would be spending Christmas day with his children (their mom is Gwen Stefani) and would take them to a movie and have lunch.
After Christmas, he said, he would be off to London. He said he would visit with his girlfriend, Sophia, and spend holidays with his friends.