Watch ZZ Top Legend Billy Gibbons Ride his Bike Down the Las Vegas Strip

Edited by JOHN DALY

ZZ Top legend Billy Gibbons got on two wheels with his wife Gilligan Stillwater Gibbons and journalists John Katsilometes and Kevin Cannon for a ride down the legendary Las Vegas Strip.

“It’s amazing what you see on a bike,” Gibbons told Katsilometes, whose interview with Cannon’s video of the ride runs in the Las Vegas Review-Journal. “You have the 360 panorama, things you don’t see in a car. I have a couple of quarters, nickels and dimes in the pocket we can get a taco on the excursion here.”

Billy Gibbons - Courtesy Kevin Cannon Review Journal
Billy Gibbons and wife Gilligan – Photos courtesy Kevin Cannon Las Vegas Review-Journal

Both Gilligan and Billy Gibbons have relatively new bikes and the ride with Katsilometes was a special treat as the strip is still unpopulated. But as Las Vegas begins the process of opening following the COVID-19 lockdown, Gibbons is ready to move ahead.

Billy Gibbons on the strip – Photos courtesy Kevin Cannon Las Vegas Review Journal

“The show must go on,” Gibbons said as he and his entourage rode off into the sunset.

Check out this great Las Vegas Review-Journal interview and video here: