Houston Tribute to Guillotines Bassist Julie DeGidio To Take Place Sept. 28 at Rockefellers


“Unstoppable, a Tribute to Jewels DeGidio” will take place at Rockefellers Houston on Sept. 28. The event is being held to honor one of punk’s most beloved musicians and to help the DeGidio family with medical costs and expenses related to the passing of Julie DeGidio of The Guillotines.

A full house is expected to honor the popular DeGidio, who was not only a great Houston-based musician but also a great friend to many around the country. She passed away from cancer last week. 

Bands that are set to play during the evening include The Velostacks, Poor Dumb Bastards, Satanic Overlords of Rock and Roll, Next Door Bar Boys, Baron Von Bomblast, Pretty Vacant, D. Kosmo with Black Lung Lucy, Generation Landslide, Lonnie Vincent and Been There Done That.  Suggested donation is $10 and doors are at 4 p.m. with music at 5 p.m.

‘Six Pack’ by The Guillotines

The latest recording by The Guillotines is the EP Six Pack, comprised of six fast punk rock-style tracks. The Guillotines are the real deal and the recordings are cherished souvenirs of the real days of punk. The record brings out the best of all the players including former Pagans player Bill Degidio on guitar and vocals, Glenn “GG” Gilbert on lead guitar and vocals, Jewels on bass and vocals and Andy Kaos on drums.

Six Pack sells for $7 on Bandcamp and is worth every cent at twice the price. The great, authentic punk music can’t be duplicated today and represents an era where society still enjoyed freedom of speech. Our favorite tracks on the sixer are “On the Street” and “Pretty Kitty.”

 A purchase supports the band and the family.

For those who can’t attend the “Unstoppable” event in Houston, but want to help out with a donation, please send through Paypal to husband Bill DeGidio at [email protected] .

Tracklist for The Guillotines’ Six Pack

1. Somethin’
2. Austin
3. On the Street
4. Lost another Night
5. Pretty Kitty
6. I’m Goin’ Down

For more information on the “Unstoppable” event go to the Unstoppable event Facebook page.

Check out The Guillotines on Youtube – Courtesy Ruben V: