Death Valley Girls kick off the holidays with a record release party at The Echo to celebrate the album Darkness Rains.
“When we decided where we wanted the record release show, we thought, ‘Where would our friends want to go?'” said front gal Bonnie Bloomgarden. “We’re so grateful to have the support of our friends.”

Death Valley Girl just got back to their home in LA from an extensive U.S. tour. Bloomgarden, known for her quivering voice and contortious onstage performances, said she, guitarist Larry Schemel, The Kid, Nikki and Kimi have had a great time meeting the fans along the road. They’re planning on going out again in January.
A New Single in the Works?
But in the meantime, there may be a new single in the works.
“We’re going to go into the studio and do another single to keep things going and keep the creative juices flowing,” Schemel said.
Darkness Rains is the third album from the LA locals. The band has had some great opportunities. Recently they worked with Iggy Pop, who has been playing their music on his BBC 6 radio show.
Read: Death Valley Girls Work with Iggy Pop here.
Getting The DVG Music Out There
They’ve also gotten some sync licensing deals.
“We’ve got some great stuff, random things like ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ and that’s been cool,” Bloomgarden said. “We have a cool publishing company they’ve been really good with us.”
With the ever changing taste in music, how does the band retain its popularity?
“People come to be uplited and to remember the fun parts of being alive,” Bloomgarden said. “That’s what you do, that’s what it’s for and that’s not ever going to change.”
No Regular Routine to Songwriting
Schemel said the band doesn’t have a regular routine to songwriting.
“Sometimes one of us will come up with an idea, a guitar riff or something,” he said. “There’s no real system. Bonnie will sometimes already have lyrics written.”
Bloomgarden keeps a notebook full of poems.
“They’re words on paper and put it to the beat,” she said. “It’s all through pressure. We do procrastinate and we push ourselves to the point of tears and then we come up with this stuff. I write the lyrics the day we sing them.”