Moby is selling his musical equipment to help raise money for Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.
The sale starts Thursday, April 26, on Reverb.com.
“I have so much equipment, and some of it has profound sentimental value to me, including synthesizers I started on 20-25 years ago,” he said. “But rather than keep it all in storage, I want to sell it for a good cause.”
Moby recently released his 15th album, Everything Was Beautiful, And Nothing Hurt.
The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine is an organization that aims to change the way doctors treat chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, obesity and cancer.
On the Reverb video, Moby goes through his equipment and takes a stroll down memory lane.

“The first single I ever released under my own name was called ‘Go,’ and it was a reworking of Laura Palmer’s theme from Twin Peaks,” he said. “So I had to replay it and this Yamaha SY 22, this is the keyboard I that I replayed Laura Palmer’s theme from Twin Peaks on.”
Read more about Moby on CaliforniaRocker.com

Moby is Selling his Gear for a Good Cause
— The Casio CZ-1000 was one of Moby’s first keyboards, from the mid-80s
— A custom-made Serge Modular Synth.
— Roland Jupiter-6, one of the “crown jewels” of his synth collection, which was used on almost all early techno records he made.
— Two Mexican sombreros used on the “The Perfect Life” video with Wayne Coyne
— Yamaha SY-85
— A rosewood mini Moog, Voyager XL
— A Roland Juno-106.
— Technics SL-1200 MK2 turntable
— Cranberry and white Fender bass used from 2012-2013.

— Gibson SG bass – from his reggae-jazz-fusion band
— Ibanez guitar bought in 1983 and used extensively until 1998.
— Hawaiian slide guitar
— Two ribbon mics.
“Every penny that’s generated goes to charity,” Moby said. “I don’t get to keep any of it, I don’t get to keep the equipment and I don’t even get to keep one cent of the money generated from it.”
For more information or to buy Moby’s musical equipment go to Moby’s Reverb page.