Band Gives Video Interview
You would expect to hear the music of the Super Ultra Megatones as the backdrop to a dramatic movie. The trio of instrumentalists has put together a unique and eerie sound.
“We’ve been together about three years and we’ve been playing this original music for about a year, we’re pretty new to this,” said Doug. “The music is surf influenced, we are from Southern California.”
The music is progressive surf music, with many styles influencing the work.
Borrowing Influences
“But the band has been around six or seven years it started as a surf tribute band,” said Steve. “We’ve brought in other influences like jazz.”
The music borrows a lot of dialogue from astronauts, clips from classic movies and sounds that are cool and complimentary to the music.
“Our songs all have stories behind them,” said Doug. “We could have noises sounds and samples that would augment everything.”
Super Ultra Megatones may be undergoing additional change. Stay tuned. And in the meantime, check out their Facebook page.