Glaare recently hit the stage at The Satellite. As the band came on stage for their set, I was thinking that the band looked really familiar. I had never seen the band before so maybe I was just being prescient. As they mention on their site, their music takes inspiration from 1980s bands and artists like Cocteau Twins, The Cure and Kate Bush. Those are sounds I love.

NFV. How would you describe your music?
Glaare. Emotional abuse.
NFV. How do you believe the band/artist has progressed over time?
Glaare. Necessity is the mother of invention. We set out with clear guidelines years ago, and overtime the combination of unexpected life events and good old-fashioned spirit evolution forcibly birthed who we are now. We will keep changing till this is all over. We have no desire to stay in any bracket because we are all very skilled and want to use that to explore anything and everything that’s piqued our interest.

NFV. Final thoughts?
Glaare. Something that’s unique about our band is how resilient we all are. The hardships we’ve faced together, especially since Brandon and I are married, and the bullshit this business and life has thrown at us are honestly unbelievable. But we are driven by something greater and know that quitting has never been an option. We’re bound to this.