Castelli Art Space Presents rock photo exhibit It’s Only Rock and Roll from Aug. 24 through Sept. 2 at Castelli Art Space in Los Angeles.
Some of the most exciting photography is happening front and center in venues large and small across the country, and the It’s only Rock’n’Roll show at the Castelli Art Space in Los Angeles captures it all with vivid excitement.
The subjects of the photos range from big rock stars to small garage bands sweating their hearts out on stage. From the Pacific Northwest to San Francisco to Los Angeles, stopping along the way to New York City, the music scene has never been more alive than it is now.
Alyson Camus, Greg Gutbezahl, George Seminara Photos
Each of the 17 featured photographers portrays a different take on the world of rock and roll photography. Photographers featured in the show are Alyson Camus, Jeff Cuyubamba, Carmin Edwards, Julie Gardner, Greg Gutbezahl, Kristian Hoffman, Angela Izzo, Louis Jacinto, Ruth E Kaiser, Anthony Mehlhaff, Randall Michelson, Rick Nyburg, George Seminara, Jimmy Steinfeldt, Julian David Stone, Mari Tamura and William Wayland.
The photos of CaliforniaRocker.com editor Donna Balancia will also be on display.
The opening night party with Howie Pyro on Friday, Aug. 24, is open to all. The exhibit is curated by Gutbezahl and Carlos Iglesias.
The Deets:
Castelli Art Space
5428 W Washington Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90016
(310) 204.6830
For more information go to