King Khan and BBQ Show Other Musicians How It’s Done: Travel The World, Perform and Play

King Khan and BBQ Show
King Khan and BBQ Show - Donna Balancia photo
Photo © 2015 Donna Balancia
King Khan – Photo © 2015 Donna Balancia

By DONNA BALANCIA – King Khan and BBQ play outside the sandbox and they like it that way.

At first glance, they seem to be an unusual duo, the tall King Khan and his pal Mark Sultan, two Canadians who have carved a living out of performing their music all over the world.  They’re artists who put on an engaging show and they’re the perfect illustration for young up and comers. How do you get the music out there to the fans?  Play, play and play some more.

Dripping with Talent, KKBBQ Are Playing Minstral Music Right

King Khan and BBQ are a little unorthodox, at least visually. At a recent show at The Teragram Ballroom, King Khan was dressed in a turquoise bikini, and matching satin cape, a glittery silver codpiece, and brown Beatle boots topped off with black bondage belts (around his not-so-slim) torso, a blonde wig, and a black mask.

Photo © 2015 Donna Balancia
Mark Sultan – Photo © 2015 Donna Balancia

His partner in chime, Sultan, known as BBQ, is equally outlandish with a similar getup, except opting for the black body tard. He’s a musical quadruped as he strums his guitar wildly shaking his head, keeping time and stellar percussion on the drum kit with his bare feet.

It’s all fun and games until we hear the songs and realize these two are really talented. Bad News Boys (2015) is the most recent of the duo’s strong album collection.  Their previous records include Invisible Girl (2009), What’s For Dinner (2006) and King Khan and BBQ Show LLP (2004).

King Khan at Teragram Ballroom - Photo © 2015 Donna Balancia
King Khan kicks out the jams at Teragram Ballroom – Photo © 2015 Donna Balancia

The performance is a cross between Chuck Berry on acid and the Salvation Army band, with King Khan hopping around and BBQ furiously strumming away on guitar with bare feet blazing on the drums.  The music is a mix of be-bop, punk and undeniable soul, which in a different time and place could hold up on its own, rather than take a back seat to the getups. Yes I agree with the guys, they must be from another planet or place in time.

The high energy music is great, but also, King Khan and BBQ aren’t joking around about their approach to their business.  They continually tour all over the world and have amassed an impressive fan base that goes beyond their famous “Fish Fight” anthem they play almost every show. They are not mainstream, they will never be, and they’re proud of that.

Young musicians should take a look at King Khan and BBQ to see how they’re doing it.  They’re traveling the world, selling merch and records and really connecting with the fans.  Not bad work if you can get it.[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”26″ gal_title=”King Khan BBQ Show”]