CanJam Personal Audio Show Takes Place in Costa Mesa

Photo Eldeeem for Flickr
CanJam personal audio show will be held Mar 28-29 at Westin South Coast Plaza – photo courtesy of Eldeeem

By DAVE DALY — CanJam, a trade show devoted to personal audio, will be held March 28-29 at the Westin South Coast Plaza Hotel in Costa Mesa.

The show, which encompasses 12,000 square feet of exhibition space, with more than 60 exhibitors and seminars, is California’s first-ever stand-alone trade show devoted to personal audio.

Headphones and personal audio technology represent a $2 billion industry and the sector is expected to continue to grow along with the use of mobile devices, according to reports.

Show hours are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on March 28 and  9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on March 29.  The Westin is located near John Wayne International Airport.

For more information go to Can Jam’s website or its Facebook page.