Gareth Inkster Lends Hope After the Breakup with Dreamy ‘Used to It’


Gareth Inkster has released a heart-rending track called “Used to It,” about coping with a breakup, but instead of being a downer, the song has a message of hope.

“Used to It” is an upbeat mid-tempo track for those who are going through the type of heartbreak Inkster went through, and he wants people to know there is a light on the horizon.

“‘Used to It’ was written in the immediate aftermath of a breakup,” Inkster said. “I got home and could feel myself anticipating the inevitable fallout – the weight of realization hadn’t settled yet. The image came to mind of an unfortunate soul who had been tied to the tracks while a train was approaching, like in those old westerns, safe for now, but ultimately screwed.”

Used to It Gareth Inkster
Used to It Gareth Inkster

The talented Canadian singer-songwriter and producer said the first stanza of the song is actually sung from the viewpoint of “a helpless consoler, which enabled the track to take shape.”

While the tune has an upbeat tempo and takes a modern production approach, Inkster made clever use of traditional percussion and captured the empathy and positive of the message with piano. It’s a successful dream-pop work that elevates Inkster to a level that other songwriters can only hope to reach.

“Used to It” is self-produced and illustrates the extent to which a “one-man band” can take a project today when there is the desire and decent equipment. Stay tuned for more music from Inkster.