Music producer Jason Cole remained in critical condition Thursday after he was run over by a dump truck while riding his motorcycle in Hollywood.
The accident happened at around 12:30 p.m. Dec. 2 near the corner of Franklin and Highland in Hollywood. Cole’s partner, Danielle McCleerey, is asking anyone who has any information to come forward. The driver is still out there.

The family has started a Go Fund Me page and you can contribute or find out more information here. Cole’s injuries are severe and the Go Fund Me goal is $150,000.
Cole, who has worked with musicians including Katy Perry and The Killers, is the father of baby Owen and is an avid motorcycle enthusiast. The dump truck driver who is still at large, crushed him against a car and ran him over.
The family is asking for help in solving the hit-and-run crime. Check out the Go Fund Me page for Cole.