Susan Hyatt and Lina Lecaro have published a great book, Never Mind The Rules, that can help save your social life, especially if your world revolves around music or an alternative line of thinking.
The gals put on a great bash to launch their work, officially called Never Mind The Rules, The Alternative Dating Guide for Girls who Wanna Rock! CaliforniaRocker.com Editor Donna Balancia caught up with authors Susan Hyatt and Lina Lecaro, who answered the important questions.

DB: What motivated you to create this cool collection of stories?
SUSAN: I was motivated to write this book for a few reasons. I always has so much drama in my life regarding my love life. I would tell my girlfriends my weekly crazy stories and everyone kept telling me to write a book. When I finally got married and picked the right guy I wanted to tell the world how I went from the least likely person to be married, to the girl with the best marriage ever! I had to share what I had learned. If I could just help one woman with her love life, then it would be worth it. I truly feel that Never Mind the Rules is your one stop shop for dating. Lina and I brainstormed and wrote about everything we had learned on our journey.

DB: Lina, when you and Susan decided to create this “alternative guide” were there any rules of your own?
LINA: Susan had a more set list of ideas about what were the right and wrong ways to approach dating when looking for a mate and I think the book reflects a lot those ideas. I on the other hand realized through the course of writing and meeting people that many of these ideas didn’t apply to me and that maybe I needed to break all the rules to figure out what I wanted. I’m still figuring it out, and no, I don’t believe in putting boundaries on myself when it comes to dating. The only “rule” is to be true to and honest with yourself.

DB: How did you two meet?
SUSAN: Lina has always been one of my favorite writers. I hired her to write all of my band biographies. I wanted to partner with someone who had a completely different experience with love than I had. I knew it would make the book that much better. She had just come out of a 10-year marriage and I had just gotten married for the first time. Lina and I dated the same guy years ago and that’s how we first met!
DB: Do you think people have a different approach to LOVE in Los Angeles than other place?
LINA: I don’t know. LA is all I know. I think in general people might be more ambitious here so they don’t want to be tied down as much.
DB: Susan, did your music career have anything to do with this book?
SUSAN: Yes, because the kind of guys I went out with were musicians and creative types. I was always in bands, and Lina is a music journalist so that is why the book has the rock n’ roll angle that stays true to our hearts. This is also why we called it an “alternative” dating guide. It relates directly to Alternative Rock.
DB: What was the most superficial date you were ever on, whether it’s in the book or not. Or, what happened during a date with the most superficial person you’ve gone out with?
LINA: I think the stereotype of superficiality in LA is way overblown actually, at least in my world. I wouldn’t agree to go out with that type to begin with. Have I been out with weirdos, assholes and players, sure. But for the most part, no phonies…
DB: Where are you living now? If not LA what do you miss about LA and what DON’T you miss about LA?
SUSAN: I’m an LA native, but I moved my family to Nashville two years ago. The house prices here are one-third less than in LA, the public high schools in my area are rated 10, and some of the world’s best musicians and songwriters live here. Nashville still has a long way to go, though. We are inundated with burgers and BBQ joints and there is a big cultural difference here with how people communicate. I offend people here all the time, as I haven’t grown accustomed to the relaxed Southern pace! I will always be a California girl at heart.
DB: Are you married or with a partner/significant other?
SUSAN: Yes I’m married to the most amazing man, my best friend and soul mate Michael Birnholz.

DB: Are you doing a follow-up book?
SUSAN: I definitely am planning to write more books. I’m currently enrolled in Graduate School, and in the process of getting my Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy. I look forward to writing more books as a licensed psychologist.
DB: Where can people find the book?
SUSAN: Amazon – it is available on Kindle and Paperback.